Reason number two people of different ethnicities act very competitive towards each other. For example with jobs there are a lot of Korean’s and Caucasian’s working and African American , Latinos’ are having the hardest time finding jobs, or getting a job. I had did an internship over the summer at LAX Airport, in the accounting operations, there was Korean’s and about 3 Latino’s and 3 African American. It is very competitive in the real world.
Reason number three in college you are competing with a million and one kids when you apply to get a spot at the college u want to go to. You have to either have the grades, the SAT score, ACT score, or the extra activity. It’s very competitive. You have to compete with every one who applies so this world is competitive in so many ways.
American society is very competitive. It sometimes has good reasons, and it something tends to hurt people or makes them feel bad about themselves. The society we live in will always be competitive; it’s like a way of living.